Real-time analytics on the performance of Facebook pages

Faster & better than Facebook Insights

Benchmark yourself against competitors, your industry

Understand exactly how you compare to rivals

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Real-time Facebook Polygraph mines every public interaction on Facebook to deliver new experiences, intelligence, and real-time analytics to marketers. Enter a page below to get started.

Use data to identify top fans and influencers for any page

Target them with Custom Audiences

Capture Page Likes and PTAT automatically

Let us track the numbers for you

Review over 40 charts, graphs, and data visualizations

Our analytics tell the tale

Access developer API to create whatever you’d like

For branded, custom, & unique experiences

Curabitur elit velit, cursus vitae dictum eu, consequat quis justo. Aliquam

In faucibus diam vitae elit volutpat at commodo justo placerat. Morbi faucibus, turpis vitae placerat imperdiet, urna nisi bibendum elit, sed facilisis neque dui et mi. Nullam tincidunt, nulla tincidunt tempus adipiscing, dolor dui feugiat tortor, at accumsan quam leo vel velit. Quisque in diam …

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Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vitae nulla vel nisl vehicula rutrum. Cras erat nibh, tincidunt eget placerat et, mollis id tellus. Proin venenatis elit at mi imperdiet in sodales dolor aliquam. In ac arcu nisl, a tempus tellus. Nam bibendum mollis …

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