It's official — we've graduated from the Austin Technology Incubator.  Check out the announcement here:

The last year has been an amazing and wild ride.  We've released two versions of our product and rebuilt it as a platform for local media and technology partners.  We've rebranded.  In another case, we reverted to a brand we weren't using.  We launched product with a major media company.  We built our partner pipeline.  We've attracted investment capital and we have gotten some good coverage in major online publications with much more to come.  And our prospects are great.

But I didn't really know we built a company until recently, when the team ran with some important work in my absence.  Our baby has grown into an adolescent with a ton of promise.

As for the Incubator, it was a great place to start a company.  Special thanks to Isaac Barchas, Bart Bohn, and the rest of the team for helping prod us along.  Although the Incubator doesn't work with a lot of companies like ours, I think their approach to working with startups makes a lot of sense and is a fit for a variety of startups.
